Distant Mountains
Mountainesque Series
Photo Credit ~ Daniel Krucoff

Where do I start? Another in my Mountainesque Series.  I find my inspiration and title in the stone.  Another beautiful Sonoran Sunrise from Gary B Wilson.  There is a very rich rusty red in this stone.  As you look at the center of it there is a goldish band that looked like Distant Mountains to me.  The shapes of mountains form the back drop in the sterling silver setting.  As I designed the setting for this piece, that free flowing movement in creating the surrounding mountain shapes just came naturally.  It’s becoming a bit of an endorphin high for me as I create the designs and follow through with the creation of the piece.  Love it!

I’ve had to take a small break from working on my Mountainesque Series because I am preparing for an event that takes place on May 1st.  I will be posting details about the event and the new works in another week or so.  Preparing for this event became a bit of design challenge for me and I actually have a new series as a result.  Stay tuned …. I think you will like this new direction.

For now, I will leave you with Distant Mountains.  Until next time, aspire to be more as an artist and a person.